What is the future in asyncio python ?

Mar 17, 2024 ยท 2 min read

Asyncio is a relatively new addition to Python that enables asynchronous programming. Introduced in Python 3.4, it provides an event loop, coroutines, tasks, and other constructs to write non-blocking and highly performant code.

As Python continues to grow in popularity, especially for network programming, asyncio has a bright future ahead. Here are some key developments we can expect:

Increased Adoption

Asyncio is still gaining traction among Python developers. As more libraries add asyncio support and tutorials proliferate, adoption will accelerate. Major frameworks like Django plan to integrate asyncio to allow handling more requests with fewer resources.

Performance Improvements

While asyncio provides substantial performance gains already, more optimizations are coming. For CPU-bound tasks, asyncio.run will invoke uvloop automatically for 2-4x faster event loop. And the ecosystem of C extensions for asyncio will continue expanding.

New Idioms and Best Practices

Best practices are still emerging for asyncio. As the community gains experience, expect clearer guidelines on structure, error handling, cancellation, testing, and more. Libraries will converge on common idioms making asyncio code more consistent and robust.

Integration with Other Languages

Asyncio interoperability with other languages will improve through initiatives like python-java-coro. This allows leveraging asyncio in Python while integrating Java components. Similar integrations are likely with C#/C++, JavaScript, and more.

Framework Support

While asyncio is available in all Python environments already, it will be more deeply integrated into frameworks. Django and new web frameworks designed for asyncio specifically will appear. This makes leveraging asyncio more turnkey for developers.

So in summary, asyncio is still maturing but has an exciting road ahead in Python. As performance and scalability demands grow, asyncio provides the solution. With improving integration, idioms, and community adoption, it is positioned to become an indispensable part of the Python ecosystem.

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