Web Scraping Yelp Business Listings using Elixir

Dec 6, 2023 ยท 10 min read

Web scraping is a powerful technique for extracting data from websites. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of scraping Yelp business listings step by step. Yelp is a popular platform for finding information about local businesses, and by the end of this tutorial, you'll have a good understanding of how to scrape data from it.

This is the page we are talking about


Before we start, let's make sure you have all the necessary tools in place. We'll be using the Elixir programming language for this project, so you'll need a few Elixir libraries:

  • HTTPoison: This library is used for making HTTP requests.
  • :crypto: We'll use it for URL encoding.
  • Floki: Floki is an HTML parsing library.
  • You can install these libraries using Elixir's package manager, mix, with the following commands:

    mix escript.install hex httpoison
    mix escript.install hex floki

    Premium Proxies and Anti-Bot Measures

    Before diving into the code, it's essential to understand that Yelp employs anti-bot measures to prevent web scraping. To bypass these measures, you should consider using premium proxies. Premium proxies offer several advantages:

  • Avoid IP Bans: Premium proxies allow you to switch IP addresses, preventing Yelp from blocking your requests.
  • Maintain Anonymity: They help you stay anonymous while scraping data.
  • Ensure Successful Scraping: Premium proxies improve the chances of successful scraping.
  • You can obtain premium proxies from services like ProxiesAPI. Be sure to have your authentication key ready, as you'll need it in the code.

    Understanding the Code

    Now, let's take a closer look at the code that scrapes Yelp business listings. The code provided here is functional and should not be modified. We will guide you through each section, explaining its purpose and functionality.

    # Required modules
    alias HTTPoison.Client, as: HttpClient
    import :crypto
    # URL of the Yelp search page
    url = "<https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=chinese&find_loc=San+Francisco%2C+CA>"

    In this section, we start by importing the necessary modules, HTTPoison for making HTTP requests and :crypto for URL encoding. We also define the URL of the Yelp search page, specifically searching for Chinese restaurants in San Francisco, CA.

    # URL-encode the URL
    encoded_url = :inet.url_encode(url, reserved: true)

    Here, we URL-encode the Yelp URL using the :inet.url_encode function to ensure it's safe for inclusion in the API URL.

    # API URL with the encoded Yelp URL
    api_url = "<http://api.proxiesapi.com/?premium=true&auth_key=YOUR_AUTH_KEY&url=#{encoded_url}>"

    This part constructs the API URL for ProxiesAPI, incorporating your authentication key and the encoded Yelp URL.

    # Define user-agent header to simulate a browser request
    headers = [
      {"User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36"},
      {"Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5"},
      {"Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"},
      {"Referer", "<https://www.google.com/>"}

    In this section, we define a set of headers to simulate a browser request. This step is crucial to prevent Yelp from detecting and blocking our scraping activities.

    # Send an HTTP GET request to the URL with the headers
    {:ok, response} = HttpClient.get(api_url, headers)

    Here, we use the HttpClient.get function to send an HTTP GET request to the ProxiesAPI URL, including the headers we defined earlier.

    # Write the HTML response to a file
    File.write("yelp_html.html", response.body, [:binary])

    This code writes the HTML response from the request to a file named "yelp_html.html" in binary format. We'll use this file for parsing and extracting data.

    # Check if the request was successful (status code 200)
    case response.status_code do
      200 ->
        # Parse the HTML content of the page using Floki (HTML parsing library)
        {:ok, document} = Floki.parse_document(response.body)

    In this section, we check if the HTTP request was successful by examining the status code. A status code of 200 indicates a successful request. If successful, we proceed to parse the HTML content using Floki, an HTML parsing library.

    Inspecting the page

    When we inspect the page we can see that the div has classes called arrange-unit__09f24__rqHTg arrange-unit-fill__09f24__CUubG css-1qn0b6x

    # Find all the listings
    listings = Floki.find(document, "div.arrange-unit__09f24__rqHTg.arrange-unit-fill__09f24__CUubG.css-1qn0b6x")

    Now, we locate all the listings on the Yelp page using a specific selector. The selector "div.arrange-unit__09f24__rqHTg.arrange-unit-fill__09f24__CUubG.css-1qn0b6x" targets the listing containers.

        # Output the number of listings
        IO.puts("Number of listings: #{length(listings)}")
        # Loop through each listing and extract information
        Enum.each(listings, fn listing ->

    Here, we count the number of listings found and print it. Then, we start looping through each listing to extract relevant information.

          # Extract business name
          business_name_elem = Floki.find_one(listing, "a.css-19v1rkv")
          business_name = Floki.text(business_name_elem) |> String.trim()

    Inside the loop, we begin by extracting the business name using the selector "a.css-19v1rkv". We clean up the extracted text by trimming leading and trailing spaces.

          # Check if business name is not "N/A"
          if business_name != "N/A" do

    We perform a check to ensure that the business name is not "N/A" before proceeding with further data extraction.

            # Extract rating
            rating_elem = Floki.find_one(listing, "span.css-gutk1c")
            rating = Floki.text(rating_elem) |> String.trim()
            # Extract price range
            price_range_elem = Floki.find_one(listing, "span.priceRange__09f24__mmOuH")
            price_range = Floki.text(price_range_elem) |> String.trim()
            # Extract number of reviews and location
            span_elements = Floki.find(listing, "span.css-chan6m")
            num_reviews = "N/A"
            location = "N/A"
            case length(span_elements) do
              n when n >= 2 ->
                num_reviews = span_elements |> hd() |> Floki.text() |> String.trim()
                location = span_elements |> hd(1) |> Floki.text() |> String.trim()
              1 ->
                text = span_elements |> hd() |> Floki.text() |> String.trim()
                if String.match?(text
    , ~r/^\\d+$/) do
                  num_reviews = text
                  location = text
              _ ->

    Within this block, we extract the rating, price range, number of reviews, and location. We use specific selectors for each piece of information. The code also handles variations in the structure of the HTML.

            # Print extracted information
            IO.puts("Business Name: #{business_name}")
            IO.puts("Rating: #{rating}")
            IO.puts("Number of Reviews: #{num_reviews}")
            IO.puts("Price Range: #{price_range}")
            IO.puts("Location: #{location}")
            IO.puts("=" <> String.duplicate("=", 30))
      _ ->
        IO.puts("Failed to retrieve data. Status Code: #{response.status_code}")

    Finally, we print the extracted information for each listing, including business name, rating, number of reviews, price range, and location. We also include formatting to make the output clear. If the HTTP request is unsuccessful (status code other than 200), we print an error message.

    Full code:

    # Required modules
    alias HTTPoison.Client, as: HttpClient
    import :crypto
    # URL of the Yelp search page
    url = "https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=chinese&find_loc=San+Francisco%2C+CA"
    # URL-encode the URL
    encoded_url = :inet.url_encode(url, reserved: true)
    # API URL with the encoded Yelp URL
    api_url = "http://api.proxiesapi.com/?premium=true&auth_key=YOUR_AUTH_KEY&url=#{encoded_url}"
    # Define user-agent header to simulate a browser request
    headers = [
      {"User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36"},
      {"Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5"},
      {"Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"},
      {"Referer", "https://www.google.com/"}
    # Send an HTTP GET request to the URL with the headers
    {:ok, response} = HttpClient.get(api_url, headers)
    # Write the HTML response to a file
    File.write("yelp_html.html", response.body, [:binary])
    # Check if the request was successful (status code 200)
    case response.status_code do
      200 ->
        # Parse the HTML content of the page using Floki (HTML parsing library)
        {:ok, document} = Floki.parse_document(response.body)
        # Find all the listings
        listings = Floki.find(document, "div.arrange-unit__09f24__rqHTg.arrange-unit-fill__09f24__CUubG.css-1qn0b6x")
        IO.puts("Number of listings: #{length(listings)}")
        # Loop through each listing and extract information
        Enum.each(listings, fn listing ->
          # Assuming you've already extracted the information as shown in your code
          # Check if business name exists
          business_name_elem = Floki.find_one(listing, "a.css-19v1rkv")
          business_name = Floki.text(business_name_elem) |> String.trim()
          # If business name is not "N/A," then print the information
          if business_name != "N/A" do
            # Check if rating exists
            rating_elem = Floki.find_one(listing, "span.css-gutk1c")
            rating = Floki.text(rating_elem) |> String.trim()
            # Check if price range exists
            price_range_elem = Floki.find_one(listing, "span.priceRange__09f24__mmOuH")
            price_range = Floki.text(price_range_elem) |> String.trim()
            # Find all <span> elements inside the listing
            span_elements = Floki.find(listing, "span.css-chan6m")
            # Initialize num_reviews and location as "N/A"
            num_reviews = "N/A"
            location = "N/A"
            # Check if there are at least two <span> elements
            case length(span_elements) do
              n when n >= 2 ->
                # The first <span> element is for Number of Reviews
                num_reviews = span_elements |> hd() |> Floki.text() |> String.trim()
                # The second <span> element is for Location
                location = span_elements |> hd(1) |> Floki.text() |> String.trim()
              1 ->
                # If there's only one <span> element, check if it's for Number of Reviews or Location
                text = span_elements |> hd() |> Floki.text() |> String.trim()
                if String.match?(text, ~r/^\d+$/) do
                  num_reviews = text
                  location = text
              _ ->
            # Print the extracted information
            IO.puts("Business Name: #{business_name}")
            IO.puts("Rating: #{rating}")
            IO.puts("Number of Reviews: #{num_reviews}")
            IO.puts("Price Range: #{price_range}")
            IO.puts("Location: #{location}")
            IO.puts("=" <> String.duplicate("=", 30))
      _ ->
        IO.puts("Failed to retrieve data. Status Code: #{response.status_code}")

    Conclusion and Next Steps

    In this guide, we've covered the entire process of scraping Yelp business listings. You've learned how to make HTTP requests, parse HTML with Floki, and extract valuable information from web pages.

    Next steps could include analyzing the scraped data, automating data collection on a regular basis, or expanding the scraping project to gather more information.

    Happy scraping!

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    The easiest way to do Web Scraping

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    <!doctype html>
        <title>Example Domain</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
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