Web Scraping in C++ - The Complete Guide

Feb 20, 2024 · 13 min read

Web scraping is a cool way to gather a ton of data from websites by using a bit of code. This friendly guide dives into how you can use it with high-performance C++.

We'll touch on the basics like HTTP requests and HTML parsing, and even take a look at some important libraries.

There's even a fun tutorial where we'll scrape Wikipedia together! Also, we'll tackle real-world challenges you might face, such as handling bots and scraping on a large scale.

Is C++ a Good Language for Web Scraping?

C++ excels in web scraping due to its speed, efficiency, and integration with various libraries and tools. Its benefits include:

  • Speed: C++ runs fast, enabling scraping of large sites efficiently.
  • Control: It allows fine-grained control over memory and resources for optimal performance.
  • Ecosystem: It supports popular scraping tools like Scrapy and Selenium and frameworks like Boost and POCO.
  • Scalability: C++ is easily scaled for distributed scraping due to its performance and network capabilities.
  • General purpose: Apart from scraping, C++ is versatile for tasks like data analysis, automation, and machine learning.
  • While Python is simpler and faster to write, C++ may be preferable for large-scale scraping due to its performance.

    Best C++ Web Scraping Libraries

    Here are popular C++ scrapers:

  • cpp-httplib: A basic HTTP client library.
  • Curlpp: libcurl's C++ wrapper for data transfer over HTTP/FTP.
  • Boost.Asio: Enables async network programming.
  • Scrapy: Python scraping framework with C++ via libscrapy.
  • Selenium: Automated browser testing for dynamic sites.
  • Other options include libcurl and Poco.


    To follow along with the web scraping example, you will need:

    C++ compiler

    This scraping code uses C++17 features so you need a modern C++ compiler like GCC 8+, Clang 6+ or MSVC 2019+.


    We will use this library for the HTTP client and networking. To install:

    git clone <https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-httplib.git>
    cd cpp-httplib
    cmake -Bbuild -H.
    cmake --build build


    For fast XML parsing, we rely on pugixml which you can setup as:

    git clone <https://github.com/zeux/pugixml>
    cd pugixml
    cmake -Bbuild -H.
    cmake --build build


    To simplify selecting elements from HTML, we use selector-lib:

    git clone <https://github.com/amiremohamadi/selector-lib.git>
    cd selector-lib
    cmake -Bbuild -H.
    cmake --build build

    That covers the external dependencies needed to run the scraper code shown later.

    Let's pick a target website

    For this web scraping tutorial, we will scrape Wikipedia's list of dog breeds to extract information like names, breed groups, alternative names and images for various breeds.

    The reasons this page makes a good scraping target are:

  • Structured data in an HTML table which is easy to parse
  • Images we can download to practice scraping binary data
  • Light page fast to scrape even at scale
  • Public open data so no usage restrictions
  • You could also try scraping other Wikipedia lists, news sites, blogs or really any site with data you want to collect.

    For now, this is the page we are talking about…

    Write the scraping code

    Below is the full code we will walkthrough piece-by-piece to scrape the dog breeds page.

    // Includes
    #include <httplib.h>
    #include <selector/selector.h>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <vector>
    // Vectors to store data
    std::vector<std::string> names;
    std::vector<std::string> groups;
    std::vector<std::string> localNames;
    std::vector<std::string> photographs;
    // HTTP client
    httplib::Client cli("commons.wikimedia.org");
    // Send request
    auto res = cli.Get("/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds",
      {{"User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36"}});
    if(res) {
      // Parse HTML
      pugi::xml_document doc;
      auto html = doc.child("html");
      // Find table
      auto table = html.select_node("table.wikitable.sortable").node();
      // Iterate rows
      for (auto& row : table.select_nodes("tr")) {
        // Get cells
        auto cells = row.select_nodes("td, th");
        // Extract data
        auto name = cells[0].child("a").text().get();
        auto group = cells[1].text().get();
        auto localNameNode = cells[2].select_node("span");
        auto localName = localNameNode.text().get("");
        auto img = cells[3].select_node("img");
        auto photograph = img.attribute("src").value();
        // Download image
        if (!photograph.empty()) {
          auto img_data = cli.Get(photograph.c_str());
          std::ofstream file("dog_images/" + name + ".jpg", std::ios::binary);
          file << img_data->body;
        // Store data

    Let's break this down section by section to understand what it's doing behind the scenes.

    The includes

    We start by including the necessary libraies:

    #include <httplib.h> // cpp-httplib
    #include <selector/selector.h> // selector-lib
    #include <fstream> // file io
    #include <vector> // dynamic arrays
  • cpp-httplib provides the HTTP client for making requests and handling responses
  • selector-lib enables querying elements in HTML documents with CSS selectors
  • fstream allows saving files like images to disk
  • vector stores dynamic arrays to hold our scraped data
  • No tricky setup needed here, just import what we need to scrape.

    Downloading the page

    Next we setup the HTTP client and make the request:

    // HTTP client
    httplib::Client cli("commons.wikimedia.org");
    // Send request
    auto res = cli.Get("/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds",
      {{"User-Agent", "cpp-httplib"}});

    Here we:

  • Create an httplib client instance to connect to commons.wikimedia.org
  • Use the Get() method to request the dog breeds page
  • Pass a custom User-Agent header to mimic a real browser
  • By default APIs these days will block vague requests lacking a user agent. So it's important to always spoof one to avoid access issues.

    Setting User-Agent

    We explicitly set a user agent even though it has a default:

    auto res = cli.Get("/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds",
      {{"User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36"}});

    This helps avoid blocks from sites limiting anonymous traffic without user agents.

    Some tips for setting scrappy looking user agents:

  • Rotate user agents to avoid re-use limits
  • Mimic major browsers: Chrome, Firefox etc.
  • Monitor blocks and adapt user agents to avoid them
  • Rotating user agents helps distribute requests across many identities making your scraper seem more human rather than bot-like.

    Inspecting the code

    Viewing the page in Chrome or Firefox inspector, we can see it has an HTML table with dog breed data we want.

    The key highlights in inspector:

  • Table with class .wikitable.sortable
  • Rows are table rows (tr tags)
  • Cells hold breed data (td tags)
  • This structure makes selecting the data straight forward as we'll see next.

    Parsing the HTML

    After downloading the page successfully, we can parse the HTML content:

    if(res) {
      // Parse HTML
      pugi::xml_document doc;
      auto html = doc.child("html");

    Key points:

  • Check we got a valid res response back
  • Initialize a pugixml document
  • Load the HTML body into it
  • Get the node
  • At this point html contains the entire structured DOM tree allowing us to query any elements within it.

    The Magic of CSS Selectors

    One of the most powerful tools for extracting data out of HTML documents are CSS selectors. The pugixml library we use allows querying nodes using this simple yet flexible syntax.

    Some examples of CSS selectors:

    // By element tag
    // By id
    // By class
    // Descendants
    div span
    // Direct children
    div > span

    We can compose these together to target nearly any elements on an HTML page.

    For example, here is sample HTML:

    <table class="breed-table">

    And C++ code with pugixml to extract the breed name:

    // Parse document
    pugi::xml_document doc;
    // Get breed name
    auto breed = doc.select_node(".breed-table tr td:nth-child(1)").node().text();

    The selector combination lets us directly target the text element we want to extract!

    Selectors provide a concise, flexible way to query HTML. Rather than complex parsing code, we declaratively describe elements to extract. This simplicity is part of what makes scraping so accessible.

    While the syntax may seem magical at first, a little knowledge goes a long way in wielding these querying powers!

    Finding the table

    Using selector-lib we can easily locate the table element:

    // Find table
    auto table = html.select_node("table.wikitable.sortable").node();

    Breaking this down:

  • select_node finds an element matching the CSS selector
  • "table.wikitable.sortable" targets the breeds table by class
  • .node() gives the raw table node
  • So with one line we've zeroed in on the exact table to scrape from the entire document! This is the magic of selectors in action.

    Extracting all the fields

    Now we can iterate the rows and use selectors to extract the data fields we want:

    // Iterate rows
    for (auto& row : table.select_nodes("tr")) {
      // Get cells
      auto cells = row.select_nodes("td, th");
      // Extract data
      auto name = cells[0].child("a").text().get();
      auto group = cells[1].text().get();
      auto localNameNode = cells[2].select_node("span");
      auto localName = localNameNode.text().get("");
      auto img = cells[3].select_node("img");
      auto photograph = img.attribute("src").value();
      // Store data

    The key steps are:

  • Loop over tr row nodes
  • Get td cell nodes for each row
  • Use selectors like .child() and .text() to extract data
  • Access attributes like src easily
  • Store scraped data in vectors
  • Being able to concisely target elements and attributes is what makes selectors so useful for parsing HTML programmatically.

    And that's it, by iterating the table rows and applying selectors, we've scraped structured data from the entire page. Vectors give us typed arrays to hold and work with the scraped content.

    Downloading and saving the images

    After extracting image urls, we can download and save the dog breed photos locally:

    if (!photograph.empty()) {
      auto img_data = cli.Get(photograph.c_str());
      std::ofstream file("dog_images/" + name + ".jpg", std::ios::binary);
      file << img_data->body;

    Here's what it's doing:

  • Check if an image src url exists for the breed
  • Fetch the image binary data with an HTTP request
  • Write data to a .jpg file on disk
  • Automate the entire image saving process
  • This allows scraping both HTML text content as well as media like images or documents from a site.

    And with that we've walked through the entire scraper code flow - hope this gives you a great template for building your own C++ scraping scripts!

    Alternative libraries and tools for web scraping

    While we used cpp-httplib, there are a few other popular options for web scraping in C++:


    The underlying library powering cpp-httplib. Lower level but highly tunable for scraping needs.


    C++ framework including HTTP clients, parsers and other network utilities.


    A popular Python scraping framework that can be used from C++ via libscrapy bindings.


    Automated browser testing framework useful for scraping dynamic JS sites.

    So while cpp-httplib covered our use case, these alternatives may serve other needs better:

  • libcurl for more customization and control
  • Poco for a fuller development framework
  • Scrapy when interop with Python ecosystem is beneficial
  • Selenium when a real browser environment is required
  • Evaluate options based on the type of site, data and workflow needing to be scraped.

    Challenges of Web Scraping in the real world: Some tips & best practices

    When taking scrapers beyond simple tutorial sites to real world scenarios at scale, some common challenges arise:

    Getting blocked

    Sites aim to prevent huge automated scraping due to bandwidth or usage policy reasons. Some tips:

  • Always mimic a real browser's user agent string. and rotate them. See the example below.
  • Rotate user agents frequently to avoid re-use limits
  • Use proxies to distribute requests across IPs
  • Implement throttling, delays, retries for resilient scraping
  • Rotating User Agents

    When scraping sites, using the same static user agent for all requests can get your scraper blocked. Sites may think you are a bot and ban your IP or user agent signature.

    To properly mimic a real browser, you need to rotate between a set of common user agents. Here is C++ example code to achieve this with each HTTP request:

    #include <vector>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    std::vector<std::string> userAgents{
      "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36",
      "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148",
      "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)"
    // Choose random user agent
    std::string pickUserAgent() {
      int index = rand() % userAgents.size();
      return userAgents[index];
    // Use with HTTP client
    httplib::Client cli("example.com");
    cli.set_header("User-Agent", pickUserAgent());
    auto res = cli.Get("/page");

    Here we store a vector of actual user agent strings and then randomly select one before each request. This helps properly mimic browsers across scrapers.

    Make sure to refresh user agents frequently within long running scraping jobs for optimal scraping performance.

    Some libraries like Scraper or Puppeteer also automatically handle rotating user agents so you don't need custom logic. But understanding how the process works is still useful.

    Handling dynamic content

    Modern sites rely heavily on Javascript to render content. Some approaches:

  • Fetch and parse JS if possible to extract data sources
  • Use a headless browser like Selenium to evaluate Javascript
  • Scrape browser Developer Tools network panel to find AJAX APIs
  • Conclusion

    In this comprehensive guide we walked through web scraping end-to-end in C++, learning:

  • C++ Principles: How C++ provides speed, control and versatility ideal for robust scraping.
  • Libraries: Useful scraping-focused C++ libraries like cpp-httplib, Curlpp and Selenium.
  • Code Deep Dive: Fully worked example of extracting structured data from a target page.
  • Real World Topics: Additional considerations like dynamic content, user agents and respecting sites.
  • C++ provides performance benefits and scraping capabilities through various libraries. It offers speed for large-scale data collection and control for sophisticated workflows. With this guide, you can now build high-performance, resilient scrapers in C++ for your needs.

    While these examples are great for learning, scraping production-level sites can pose challenges like CAPTCHAs, IP blocks, and bot detection. Rotating proxies and automated CAPTCHA solving can help.

    Proxies API offers a simple API for rendering pages with built-in proxy rotation, CAPTCHA solving, and evasion of IP blocks. You can fetch rendered pages in any language without configuring browsers or proxies yourself.

    This allows scraping at scale without headaches of IP blocks. Proxies API has a free tier to get started. Check out the API and sign up for an API key to supercharge your web scraping.

    With the power of Proxies API combined with Python libraries like Beautiful Soup, you can scrape data at scale without getting blocked.

    Browse by tags:

    Browse by language:

    The easiest way to do Web Scraping

    Get HTML from any page with a simple API call. We handle proxy rotation, browser identities, automatic retries, CAPTCHAs, JavaScript rendering, etc automatically for you

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    <!doctype html>
        <title>Example Domain</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />


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