The httpx library in Python provides an AsyncClient class that makes it easy to send asynchronous HTTP requests without having to deal with some of the complexity of asyncio directly. In this article, we'll look at how to use AsyncClient to send POST requests asynchronously.
Why Asynchronous Requests?
Performing requests asynchronously allows your Python application to issue multiple requests in parallel without blocking. This can result in faster overall request times by avoiding delays from network roundtrips and server response times.
Some key benefits of asynchronous requests:
Creating an AsyncClient
To start, we need to create an
import httpx
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
# Use client for requests here
Making a POST Request
Let's look at a simple POST request:
resp = await"", json={"key": "value"})
We use the
The client handles encoding the JSON and adding the required
Posting a Multipart File
Uploading a file requires encoding the data as multipart form data. The
files = {"file": open("report.pdf", "rb")}
resp = await"", files=files)
So file uploads are almost as straightforward as a normal POST.
Handling Timeouts
We can tell requests to time out if a response takes too long:
timeout = httpx.Timeout(10.0)
resp = await"", timeout=timeout)
except httpx.TimeoutException:
print("Request timed out!")
The timeout is set per-request, so other requests won't be affected.
Limits & Connection Pooling
Creating a new HTTP connection for every request can be inefficient. The
We can configure limits on the number of max connections and max keepalive time to tune performance:
client = httpx.AsyncClient(
limits=httpx.Limits(max_connections=100, max_keepalive_connections=20)
Tuning these limits for your specific API usage can help reduce latency.
Wrapping Up
That covers some of the basics of sending asynchronous POST requests with the handy
Key takeaways:
Following these patterns can help you speed up API requests and build more robust applications using asynchronous I/O.