Simplifying REST API Calls with Python Requests

Feb 3, 2024 ยท 2 min read

Interacting with REST APIs is a common task for many developers and automation engineers. Python offers a simple yet powerful way to make API calls through the Requests module. In this article, we'll explore how Requests makes calling REST APIs easy.

The Requests module provides an intuitive interface for making HTTP requests in Python. To get started, install Requests using pip:

pip install requests

We'll use a simple API that returns a list of todos. Here's how to make a GET request:

import requests

response = requests.get('')
todos = response.json()


The get() method handles constructing the API call. We get back a Response object with the status code, headers, and response content. Using response.json(), we deserialize the JSON data into a Python dict.

Requests supports other HTTP verbs like POST, PUT, DELETE without much additional work. For example:

new_todo = {'title': 'Buy groceries', 'userId': 1}

response ='', 

Requests makes it easy to parameterize API calls by passing URL parameters and custom headers. Overall, it handles much of the low-level work of coding API calls manually.

Some key benefits of using Requests:

  • Simple, clean syntax for making API calls
  • Built-in JSON and text content decoding
  • Helper methods for passing parameters and headers
  • Session support for persistent connections
  • While Requests handles 80% of typical API tasks, for advanced HTTP handling features like authentication and customized behavior, consider the Httpx or aiohttp libraries.

    By handling the fundamentals of working with web APIs, Requests makes it far easier to focus on the business logic and data handling parts of your application. Give Requests a try next time you need to work with a web API in Python!

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