When constructing URL requests in Python, you'll often need to append parameters to the URL to pass additional data to the server. The urllib module provides easy ways to handle this.
We construct a dictionary params containing the parameters we want to pass
We use urllib.parse.urlencode() to encode the dictionary in a URL-safe format
We append the encoded parameters to the base URL to construct the full URL
We can then use urllib.request.urlopen() to send the request
Some tips:
Always URL-encode parameter values in case they contain special characters
Use a dictionary to track multiple parameters, then encode the whole thing at once
You can also pass the params dictionary directly to urlopen() and it will encode it
For GET requests, params go in the URL; for POSTs, they would go in the request body
Overall, urllib makes it straightforward to pass parameters around. The parse module handles all the encoding details for you. And you can use the standard dictionary methods to easily construct, combine, and manage multiple parameters to pass along.
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