When making requests with the popular Python aiohttp library, proxies can be useful for a variety of reasons - masking your identity, load balancing, or circumventing geographic restrictions.
In this guide, we'll cover the ins and outs of working with proxies in aiohttp, including some handy tricks to make proxy integration smooth and efficient.
Why Use Proxies with aiohttp?
Here are some of the main reasons for using proxies with the aiohttp library:
Enabling Proxies in aiohttp
The first step is installing aiohttp along with the
pip install aiohttp aiohttp-proxy
Then we can enable a proxy using the
import aiohttp
from aiohttp_proxy import ProxyConnector
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:8080"
connector = ProxyConnector(
proxy="http://user:[email protected]:8080"
session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector)
Any requests we make from this session will now be routed through the proxy server we specified.
Using a Pool of Proxies
To avoid overloading a single proxy, we can create a pool of proxies to choose from randomly on each request:
proxy_pool = [
"http://user:[email protected]:8080",
"http://user:[email protected]:8080",
"http://user:[email protected]:4145"
# Choose a random proxy from pool for each request
proxy = random.choice(proxy_pool)
connector = ProxyConnector(proxy=proxy)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) as session:
# Make request
await session.get("http://www.example.com")
This spreads our requests across multiple proxy IPs.
Handling Proxy Errors
It's common for proxies to sometimes fail or respond with errors. We can implement some error handling to retry with a fresh proxy:
max_errors = 10
num_errors = 0
while True:
proxy = get_random_proxy() # Get random proxy
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=ProxyConnector(proxy=proxy)) as session:
await make_request(session)
break # If no errors break loop to stop retrying
except aiohttp.ClientConnectorError:
if num_errors > max_errors:
raise Exception("Too many proxy errors")
num_errors += 1
continue # Try again with a new proxy
This automatically attempts a new proxy if we run into connectivity issues.
Caching Proxy IPs
To avoid needing to specify the same proxies repeatedly, we can create a simple proxy cache that stores a collection of working proxies we find:
from aiohttp_proxy import ProxyConnector
import aiofiles
proxy_cache = []
async def load_proxy_cache():
async with aiofiles.open('proxies.txt') as f:
proxy_cache.extend([line.strip() for line in await f.readlines()])
async def save_proxy(proxy):
async with aiofiles.open('proxies.txt', 'a') as f:
await f.write(f"{proxy}\n")
# Save newly found working proxies
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=ProxyConnector(proxy=proxy)) as session:
await save_proxy(proxy)
Now we have a growing list of proxies we can rely on without needing to research and find new ones!
Final Thoughts
That covers some of the key concepts for unlocking the capabilities of proxies within the aiohttp library.
Properly using proxies allows you to build robust applications that carefully control and distribute web requests while maintaining performance and reliability.
As you integrate proxies, keep in mind factors like error handling, caching working proxies safely, and rotating amongst a pool of proxies instead of overusing a single source.
By mastering proxies in aiohttp, you can scrape and interact with more websites in a resilient and efficient way!