The aiohttp library in Python provides a simple way to make HTTP requests, including PUT requests, asynchronously. PUT requests are used to create or update a resource on the server.
To make a PUT request with aiohttp:
import aiohttp
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.put(url, data=payload) as response:
Some key points:
For example, to update a user profile on a server:
data = {'name': 'John', 'age': 30}
async with session.put('', json=data) as resp:
Here we PUT to update user 123, passing the updated data in JSON format.
Some tips when making PUT requests:
PUT can also be useful for operations like:
Some challenges with PUT requests:
In summary, aiohttp provides a convenient way to dispatch PUT requests in async Python. It handles serialization, connections, and more under the hood allowing you to focus on the API logic. Proper use of PUT opens up many possibilities for creating and updating resources.