Making HTTP Requests in Python Without a Proxy

Feb 3, 2024 ยท 2 min read

When making HTTP requests in Python, you may not always need to use a proxy. The popular requests library provides a simple way to make requests directly without configuring a proxy.

Why Make Requests Without a Proxy

Some reasons you may want to make requests without a proxy:

  • You are on a local network and want to access an internal API directly
  • You are making simple public internet requests and a proxy is unnecessary
  • You want to reduce complexity by not managing proxies
  • In these cases, the requests library makes it very easy.

    Making Simple GET Requests

    Here is how to make a basic GET request without a proxy using requests:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('')

    We simply call requests.get() with the URL to make the GET request.

    Customizing the Requests

    Additional headers, URL parameters, data, and other options can be specified to customize requests:

    import requests
    headers = {'Authorization': 'token1234'}
    params = {'category': 'electronics'}
    response = requests.get('', 
                            headers=headers, params=params)

    This adds an authorization header and category parameter to the request.

    Handling Timeouts

    You can tell requests to timeout if an API is slow to respond:

    requests.get('', timeout=3.0)

    This will error after 3 seconds if no response.

    So in summary, the requests library provides a very simple way to make HTTP requests in Python without dealing with proxies. Customize the requests to your API as needed!

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