The aiohttp library provides powerful tools for building asynchronous Python web applications. On the data access side, Peewee is a simple yet powerful ORM that makes working with SQL databases easy.
Combining these two libraries allows building high-performance async web apps with an expressive and Pythonic object-relational mapper for the database access. Here's how to integrate them:
Basic Setup
First install the libraries:
pip install aiohttp peewee
Then create the Peewee database instance and point it to your database:
import peewee
db = peewee.PostgresqlDatabase('my_app')
Next, define Peewee models as usual:
class User(peewee.Model):
username = peewee.CharField()
class Meta:
database = db
Async Database Access
To avoid blocking the event loop, we need to use the
pip install peewee-async
Then we can access the database in async routes:
import peewee_async
async def register_user(request):
user = User(username=request.username)
await user.async_save()
# Other ORM calls like create, get, delete also work!
return web.Response(text='User created successfully!')
app.router.add_post('/users', register_user)
Transaction Support
For transactions that span multiple statements, use
async with db.atomic_async():
await transfer_funds(from_user, to_user, amount)
This ensures the transaction is committed or rolled back atomically.
By integrating Peewee with aiohttp, we get the best of both worlds - a clean and expressive ORM with non-blocking asynchronous I/O! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.