The find_all() method in BeautifulSoup is used to find all tags or strings matching a given criteria in an HTML/XML document. It's a very useful method for scraping and parsing, but there are some key things to understand when using it effectively.
Returns a List
soup.find_all('p') # Returns list of <p> tags
So you often need to loop over the result or index into it to get the first matching element.
Match by String, Regex, or Function
For example:
# String match
# Regex match
import re
# Function match
def has_class_name(tag):
return tag.has_attr('class')
Search Within a Tag
Pass a tag as the first argument to
content = soup.find(id="content")
content.find_all('p') # Finds <p> tags inside div#content only
Keyword Arguments
For example to find links:
soup.find_all('a', href=True)
This can make searching more precise.
text Keyword
A special keyword argument is
soup.find_all(text="Hello World") # Finds text nodes