How to Make HTTP POST Requests in Python with urllib3

Feb 1, 2024 ยท 1 min read

The urllib3 library provides a simple way to make HTTP requests in Python. This includes sending POST requests to submit data to APIs and web services.

To make a POST request with urllib3, first install the library:

pip install urllib3

Then import urllib3 and create a PoolManager instance to manage connections:

import urllib3

http = urllib3.PoolManager()

Construct the data you want to submit as a dictionary. For example:

data = {
  'name': 'John Doe',
  'occupation': 'gardener' 

To make the POST request, call http.request() and pass "POST" as the method. Provide the URL and the data dictionary:

r = http.request(

The fields parameter encodes the dictionary as form data.

Check the r.status attribute to see the response status code, 200 means success. Use to access the response content.

if r.status == 200:

To post JSON data, use the body parameter instead of fields and set the Content-Type header:

import json

data = json.dumps({'name': 'John Doe'}) 

r = http.request(
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

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